Ongoing Projects
Developing Novel Saturable Absorbers Based on Dielectric-Metal-Semiconductor Nanocomposites (Role: PI) (3 years)
Laser Science and Technology (Role: Researcher) (4 years)
Dr Karatutlu has been involved in the research on the production of the glass fiber preforms and drawing of the glass fibers which are further utilized in the laser science and technology including high-power lasers and gyroscopes.
Previous Projects
Fabrication of Biaxial Polarization-maintaining Optical Fibers (Role: PI) (6 months)
Green Synthesis of Carbon Quntum Dots and Their Structural, Optical, Electrical and Electrocatalytic Properties (Role: PI) (2.5 years)
Structure and Light Emission in Germanium Nanoparticles (Role: PGR) (3.5 years)
Chemically Prepared Porous Silicon (Role: PGR) (2 years)
Nano Ölçekli Yapıların “Small World Network” Teorisi ile Modellenerek Spine Bağlı Transportun İncelenmesi (Role: PGR) (3 months)